Bling Awakening

After fourteen long years, I have finally competed mine and Jeff's book, Blind Awakening. I am currently in search for just the right agent who will help me share it with the world. I am excited to memorialize my brother's unique journey with cancer and blindness, and to share how he changed my life forever.


Blind Awakening

All of us learn to face death in one way or another, but only a rare few of us learn to fully embrace living once we realize the days we have left on this earth are numbered.

It was two weeks after his surgery, while still in the critical care unit, that the doctors discovered Jeff suffered a stroke on his optic nerve during surgery and would be left in darkness forever--completely blind.

Blind Awakening is the true story about how Jeff Longley went into surgery as a bitter, anxious, negative person and came out seeing as he’d never seen before. Humor, honesty and courage are the key elements to his extraordinary journey. But it was his sister's dedication and their ever-growing trust in Jesus that allowed them both to see the Light through the darkness and to find Faith in the unfathomable.

This book will remind each of us that life is not measured by the days we are alive, but rather by the days we truly live. 
